I want to calculate the read counts mapping to repeats in my RNA-seq data. I mapped the reads using Bowtie2 to indices of repeats from UCSC Repeatmasker track in fasta format. Next, I have to calculate the read counts per repeat type, so I tried with featureCounts tool (in Galaxy server). But the output gives me zero counts for all the repeat types.
¿Any ideas? I thought maybe some IDs or columns are not matching but I don't know.
Thank you very much in advance, Gema
Probably featureCounts is discarding multi-mapped reads, hence zero counts for repeats. You have to keep only one copy of the repeats on the genome, or count with RSEM or Salmon, which will try to estimate by expectation-maximization how to distribute the counts of multi-mapped reads.
Thanks for your answer h.mon! In Bowtie2 I used default mode (search for multiple alignments, report the best one), I'm not sure what you mean with "keep only one copy of the repeat". Reads are mapped directly to repeat indices not to human genome. I think there is an option in featureCounts to keep the multi-mapped reads, I will check.