I'm after the sequences for the 120 base pair cRNA baits on the beads. Relative abundance would be even better. Agilent make the design bedfile available on their website but not the baits co-ordinates. I'm hoping that they have released this information and that someone here can point me at it. Or maybe someone has made cDNA from the baits and sequenced it?
Hi Vijay, I tried but I could not see any probes file. I have put screenshots of what I did here: https://photos.app.goo.gl/ujJ1mqeoEJCVs5G82
When I try the only download option that I can see for the exome there a various files detailing the design, extended and covered regions but no probe sequences. Am I looking in the wrong place perhaps?
You may then try contacting the support. Recently, they revoked access to probes.txt file.
Yes, I've spoken to the rep in the past about this, but no joy. Hence my post.
What did they say? It is unfair to not to share such information. Did you make any purchases recently?