Hi there!
I'm trying to use MIReNA to validate some pre-miRNA sequences. I already installed it and ran the command line: ./MIReNA.sh -v -y -f precursors.fa -o teste.out the program gives me the exit: Launching MIReNA for pre-miRNAs validation Computing the secondary structures ... RNAfold: invalid option -- n Done Testing the validation of the criteria ... Done MIReNA has terminated successfully
But the output file has nothing. So, instead of my dataset, I tried the original MIReNA datatest, and have nothing again.
I'm thinking, maybe the problem is with the RNAfold, which MIReNA website claims to be 1.8x version, and I have 2.4 version in my computer, and I tried to install de older version, but have the same output.
Someone having the same problem?