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7.4 years ago
Hi, I'm running the following:
java -jar /home/madzays/bin/trimmomatic.jar PE -phred33 /home/madzays/data/finch_data/firstrun/test/RSFV1M_S47_L006_R1_001.fastq /home/madzays/data/finch_data/firstrun/test/RSFV1M_S47_L006_R2_001.fastq ./RSFV1M_S47_L006_R1_001_paired.fastq ./RSFV1M_S47_L006_R1_001_unpaired.fastq ./RSFV1M_S47_L006_R2_001_paired.fastq ./RSFV1M_S47_L006_R2_001_unpaired.fastq SLIDINGWINDOW:4:25 MINLEN:36
the programs seems to run:
TrimmomaticPE: Started with arguments: -phred33 /home/madzays/data/finch_data/firstrun/test/RSFV1M_S47_L006_R1_001.fastq /home/madzays/data/finch_data/firstrun/test/RSFV1M_S47_L006_R2_001.fastq ./RSFV1M_S47_L006_R1_001_paired.fastq ./RSFV1M_S47_L006_R1_001_unpaired.fastq ./RSFV1M_S47_L006_R2_001_paired.fastq ./RSFV1M_S47_L006_R2_001_unpaired.fastq SLIDINGWINDOW:4:25 MINLEN:36
Multiple cores found: Using 16 threads
Input Read Pairs: 0 Both Surviving: 0 (�%) Forward Only Surviving: 0 (�%) Reverse Only Surviving: 0 (�%) Dropped: 0 (�%)
TrimmomaticPE: Completed successfully
However,. all outputs are generated but empty. Any ideas what I might be going wrong? Thanks!
You did not provide any information on the input files. Without this, it is much harder to diagnose the problem.
Input files are from PCR-free libraries Kapa Hyper, using TruSeq adapters, and run on HS4000 PE150 lanes. thanks! I am trying to run this in a shared cluster without root access though. When I run on my PC it works just fine.