I would like to retrieve all available SNP population frequency data, for ~5000 SNPs. I have used the API perl variation tools to access the ENsembl data for transcript features, however, I can't figure out how to retrieve frequency information for the SNP, there is little documentation in the API variation tutorial on this. Is anyone familiar with what routines can provide this info, or if there are any to do such a thing?
So, if I had a SNP rsXXXXXX, I would like to retrieve all population frequency data available, HapMap population, CEPH, etc.
Thanks, I will try this!
I realize I'm supposed to post responses in the comments, but this wouldn't fit :)
I was trying to piece together some code from the various API Tutorials.
I have the following, but am not sure where, or how, to call the population 'fetch_all_hapmap_populations'. I want to call this on the rs# to retrieve the data, but how do I link the variation object to the population object?
I applied the above MySQL to a DBI interface with perl. I've made a loop to iterate through all SNPs and report back the freqs. Thanks again!!!