Hi Friends,
After doing blast for my nucleotide sequence i have found out the homologous sequence based on the identity, sequence coverage and e value. Kindly tell me which tool will be best to find out whether the homologous nucleotide sequences (which i have got by doing blast) are the correct homologous sequences or not?
What do you mean by 'correct' homologous sequence?
Also be careful with the word "homologous": it has a very specific meaning. Look it up, if you haven't already.
Elena, is this related to your other question where you ask for the position of SNPs in a chromosome if you already know the position in the genes? In that case the BLASTed query sequence should really be transcribed from the chromosome sequence where it is BLASTed against, right?
No Chris this question is totally different from that question.
Ok, so what did you BLAST against what, and what was the purpose?
i did blast against primates and selected few homologous based on their highest sequence identity. to find out exact homologous sequence for my query sequence( NM_000465.2)
Possible duplicate: Blast/Reblast To Verify Homologies
Just wanted to leave these here http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S096800040900005X http://bioinformatics.oxfordjournals.org/content/26/19/2498.full