Hi guys,
I want to count the number for each feature: enhancer, promoter, exon, intron and so on for my bed file. Is there any prepared bed tables which can be used to make the intersect and do the counts statistic.
- Perl or R script and implemented file of Java or python would be appreciated.
- Is there more professional pipelines to classify batch of genome intervals into different categories? such as enhancer, promoter, exon, intron, miRNA, lncRNA, intergenic and so on?
- now we can kg2bed, gff2bed, is there any tool called refgene2bed?
The categories of the features in Pierre Lindenbaum is too limited. More features such as downstream, intergenic are needed. Martombo mentioned we can use bed2bam to transfer bed to bam and then use read_distribution.py
in RSeQC to do this job
Best regards
JVARKIT mentioned by Pierre Lindenbaum is pretty cool. However the installation process of JVARKIT is complicated. Anyway, Now we can find that RSeQC and JVARKIT are suitable for such bioinformatic analysis. In addition, we can find that Python and Java have become the main source for bioinformatics research. It seems that Perl has been out of date.
obviously, gff2bed is the best choice to do it. this tools is C/C++ based. and can be download from the following website: https://github.com/bedops/bedops/releases