assuming your file is tab delimited and you have a reference genome indexed with samtools faidx with the correct chromosome names.
grep -v CHROM input.txt | while IFS='' read L; do echo -ne "${L}\t" && echo "${L}" |awk '{printf("%s:%s-%s\n",$1,$2,$2);}' | xargs samtools faidx /path/to/human_hg19.fasta | grep -v '^>' | tr -d '\n'; echo ; done
UPDATE: from a real VCF and using bioalcidaejdk:
java -jar dist/bioalcidaejdk.jar -e 'stream().forEach(V->{println(V.getContig()+"\t"+V.getStart()+"\t"+V.getReference().getDisplayString()+"\t"+V.getAlleles().size()+"\t"+V.getGenotypes().stream().flatMap(G->G.getAlleles().stream()).filter(A->A.isCalled()).count()+"\t"+V.getGenotypes().stream().flatMap(G->G.getAlleles().stream()).filter(A->A.isCalled()).map(A->A.getDisplayString()).collect(Collectors.groupingBy(Function.identity(), Collectors.counting())));});' input.vcf
rotavirus 51 A 2 8 {A=6, G=2}
rotavirus 91 A 2 8 {A=7, T=1}
rotavirus 130 T 2 8 {C=1, T=7}
rotavirus 232 T 2 8 {A=1, T=7}
rotavirus 267 C 2 8 {C=7, G=1}
rotavirus 424 A 2 8 {A=7, G=1}
rotavirus 520 T 2 8 {A=1, T=7}
rotavirus 536 A 2 8 {A=6, T=2}
rotavirus 562 A 2 8 {A=7, G=1}
rotavirus 583 G 2 8 {C=1, G=7}
rotavirus 661 T 2 8 {A=1, T=7}
rotavirus 693 T 2 8 {T=6, G=2}
rotavirus 738 T 2 8 {A=1, T=7}
rotavirus 799 A 2 8 {A=6, C=2}
rotavirus 812 G 2 8 {T=2, G=6}
rotavirus 833 G 2 8 {A=2, G=6}
rotavirus 916 A 2 8 {A=6, T=2}
rotavirus 946 C 2 8 {A=1, C=7}
rotavirus 961 T 2 8 {A=1, T=7}
rotavirus 1044 A 2 8 {A=6, T=2}
rotavirus 1045 C 2 8 {C=6, G=2}
rotavirus 1054 C 2 8 {C=6, G=2}
rotavirus 1064 G 2 8 {A=2, G=6}
the REF column should answer the question. Or give us an example of input/output.
I don't think there is a reference... having a reference is optional I think?
(There is mention of a reference 'Homo_sapiens_assembly19' in the header lines though)
so you're wrong; this is NOT a vcf file.
The example I pasted is from the output of the '--counts' option in vcftools, acting on the vcf file.
The actual vcf file is huge... what part would you like to see?
So you have a vcf, which does contain a REF field?
In addition, variant calling is usually performed by comparing to the reference genome. Sounds like you already got what you want.
Yes it appears I already had what I wanted... the source of my vcf data claimed otherwise, and I have little experience with these things, so was easily confused!