I want to make structural analysis of lysosomal proteins found in mammals. To make start, I would like to retrieve as many structures as possible from the biological database (PDB). These structures show dynamic structural features (many fold types, variation in size and multiple cellular location). I have tried two general strategies - search by keywork "lysosomal" and get results based on deposition date of structure. I also found an article on proteomic analysis for lysosomal proteins where the author had provided GI for each proteins. In this case, I made protein blast against PDB and selected the lysosomal proteins. Both ways were quite time consuming and again I think my list is still incomplete. Are there any databases for these kind of structures? I would be pleased to get relevant suggestions and help regarding my problem.
Wonderful! Thanks!
Thanks a lot. This is really simple but of course, I would need to take the one with longest sequence which would be trivial using UniProt sequence ID and ProteinBlast.
I think it would be even more trivial to retrieve chain sequences from the PDB and select the longest one.
I found out that the most easiest approach would be UniProt itself. I searched proteins with keyword lysosome and the options for result was divided into different categories and I was able to get result with 3D structures only. Here the result was lowered by 50% (164)