Hello folks,
I have the excel file generated from Cuffdiff output for genes with the following columns
Gene, locus, sample_1, sample_2, status, value_1, value_2, log2(fold_change), test_stat, p_value, q_value, significant
Casp1, chr9:5298516-5307281, MUT, WT, OK, 123.019, 0.671358, -7.51758, 6.17607, 6.57E-10, 6.36E-07, yes
As per the excel file, sample_1 is Mutant and sample_2 is Wildtype. Log2(fold_change) is calculated as log2(sample_2/sample_1) --> log2(0.671358/123.019) is -7.51758 .
I thought it should be log2(final/initial), isn't it?
What is the difference between log2(Mutant/Wildtype) or log2(Wildtype/Mutant)?
How to show the fold change (like 4-fold, 5-fold change) in heatmap?
Thanks, Renesh for the explanation.
I just have the excel file with me. Cuffdiff analysis was done by someone else. I believe he/she might have mistakenly given mutant as "CONTROL" and wildtype as "EXPERIMENTAL".
Do not make assumptions as an analyst (unless you have first-hand knowledge of the experimental details). You should verify your suspicion with the person who gave you analysis or people who generated the data.
Hi genomax, that person moved out of the lab long time back. Only excel file has been provided by that person. I don't have the proper log of the analysis. Thanks for cautioning me about it.
Hi Genomax,
Does the order of the samples entered in Cuffdiff command impact the results of the differential gene expression?
b'cos Cuffdiff considers Label1 as sample1 and Label2 as sample2. So is it a hidden norm to mention the control always as LABEL1 and experimental/mutant as LABEL2?
Okay, but be careful with this. You should get the analysis code from that person. If the labeling is done incorrectly, it will completely reverse your results.
Hi Renesh,
This is the code I have for another analysis for Lymph and spleen together from the person who did the below analysis as well,
cuffdiff -o diff_out_Lymphnodes_Spleen -b mouse_mm10.fa -p 12 -L Mutant_Lymph_Spleen,WT_Lymph_Spleen -u merged_asm/merged.gtf Mutant_Lymph/accepted_hits.bam,Mutant_Spleen/accepted_hits.bam Wildtype_Lymph/accepted_hits.bam,Wildtype_Spleen/accepted_hits.bam
I am currently working on the analysis of Lymph nodes, based on the above labeling I suspect that
cuffdiff -o diff_out_Lymphnodes -b mouse_mm10.fa -p 12 -L Mutant_Lymph,WT_Lymph -u merged_asm/merged.gtf Mutant_Lymph/accepted_hits.bam Wildtype_Lymph/accepted_hits.bam
From the code above, you have given mutant as control and wildtype as experimental. If you want to look for genes up-regulated in response to mutant, you need to see negative fold change and vice versa for down-regulated genes.