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7.3 years ago
Hi everyone,
I tried to run Htseq with my sorted bam files using the following argument but I am getting too few arguments error
My command looks like:
htseq-count -m union -f bam -r name -t accepted_hits_sorted_1.bam /home/aubayp/augustus_Fov891A_65.gff > output_htseq_1.sam
Please help.
Thank you Ambika
Do you have "_" at the beginning and end of the command or is that just the side effect of you trying to make the command bold? Way to format
is to enclose it in single tick marks (symbol next to number key 1) on either end of the command. They it shows up the way word code does in sentence before this one.You are using a
(redirect output) command before thesam
file name. Remove that and redirect the counts to a new file likehtseq-count -m union -f bam -r name -t accepted_hits_sorted_1.bam /home/aubayp/augustus_Fov891A_65.gff > counts.file
"_" sign is the sign I used to make my commands bold. I tried the way you said and it is giving me same error.
htseq-count -m union -f bam -r name accepted_hits_sorted_1.bam /home/aubayp/augustus_Fov891A_65.gff > counts.file
You have an extra
in there without saying what you want to use for feature. If you remove that (or add-t exon
) the command will work provided you have the right gff file.Take a look at featureCounts otherwise. It is easy to use and fast.
Thank you genomax, that error is solved, However I am getting the error for gff file now .
Error occured when processing GFF file (line 19 of file /home/aubayp/augustus_Fov891A_65.gff): Failure parsing GFF attribute line [Exception type: ValueError, raised in __init__.py:164]
Does this mean my gff file is not in correct format or do I need to specify some additional features?
Can you show lines 18, 19 and 20 of your gff?
That can be done using
sed -n 18,20p /home/aubayp/augustus_Fov891A_65.gff
It looks like this
Your gff looks weird. Where did you get it?
My labmate made this, using augustus I guess. Does the format needs to be changed?
Have a look at the GFF specifications
Thank you WouterDeCoster will look into that.