Hi, I used the Salmon tool for transcript quantification using as a reference transcriptome a "de novo" assembly (Trinity) and RNA-Seq sequences. I would like to calculate the TPM of the gene trim62 expressed below, according to the isoform results. In that case, the TPM of the trim62 gene is the simple sum of the transcripts of each isoform? Or should I choose the transcript with the best HIT (Blast)
trim62 | TRINITY_DN93372_c7_g1_i7 | 0,950919 | 684879
trim62 | TRINITY_DN93372_c7_g1_i3 | 0,0824602 | 607185
I was careful to identify and remove artifacts. So I should sum of the TPMs of each transcript (isoforms), correct?
That's correct. However, I'd still recommend using tximport if you're going to be using these estimates for anything other than visualization downstream, since it can correct for things that aren't possible to do looking at each sample in isolation (like the average expected gene length across all samples in an experiment).