I want to find the coverage per bp when using any seed/bait script available (MITObim, NOVOplasty). I find it wierd that even if they are aligning and baiting to a reference, this information is not readily provided.
Any ideas on how to do this?
Thanks !
Novoplasty doesnt provide this data, and MITObim just outputs the minimum coverage in the logfile at the end of the assembly/alignment, but nothing more. I guess I'll have to find a way to use BEDtools (have no bam files, just fasta -> fasta, sadly
So, you just have the assembled genome in FASTA?
I can only assume that the average depth of coverage achieved was output in one of the log files (or maybe even just output to your screen) - all other programs that I've used for assembly output various metrics for coverage.
If you get desperate, you could just re-align your data to your new genome and then use BEDTools to get coverage that way. This is also common practice to see how well-represented your new genome is in relation to the samples that you used to create it.
Thank you so much Kevin, appreciate it ! I wont rip my hair out and just use good old BEDTools to do it. The logfiles arent that great, as they provide only the minimum coverage. MITObim has .wig files, I can maybe use those.
Yes, BEDTools is very powerful but, wait, if you have wig files, then you may want to take a look at bwtools. They seem to provide information on coverage. However, you first need to convert the wig files to bigWig (look here).