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7.2 years ago
Hello, I am new to linux and blast any help would be greatly appreciated. I am having trouble with the Blast nt database (blastn: 2.2.31+). I downloaded the preformatted files from NCBI using
update_blastdb.pl nt
then unzipped the files with
gunzip *.tar.gz
then used the tar function on all the respective files
tar -xv -f nt.02.tar
But when I check the database I get errors for all the files
blastdbcheck -db BLAST-DB/nt -dbtype nucl
temp/BLAST-DB/nt.50 / MetaData: [ERROR] caught exception.
Result=FAILURE. 51 errors reported in 51 volume(s).
Testing 1 alias(es).
Result=SUCCESS. No errors reported for 1 alias(es).
Any help would be great!
Thank you,
You have to run
, first to make the alias files..Unzipping and untar in one step:
I get another error trying to use the makeblast db
I thought just un-archiving the
database files is enough to create all the files necessary.Please format your code so it's easier to read. Use the 101010 button you see near the double quotes on the formatting bar to format your code.