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7.2 years ago
I'm analyzing planaria RNA seq for regeneration study
But planaria genome is not well organized(Use SmedGD v3.1 fasta & GTF)
So I do blastx to get uniprotID but I'm having over 2,000 species' uniprot ID
Also, I have an assigned GO to each gene then I want to analyze at GO level
Is there any tool or paper which I can see...
Last time, I done GO enrichment test using EASE test (DAVID software) but I don't have enough number of GO to each gene.. this is also a problem of my analysis
Please help me anything
I'm looking forward to your reply
easiest thing you can do is to upload your blast results into BLAST2GO. It has everything you are asking for.
I already done B2G but blast ratio is too low..
you can try increasing the number of hits per query to consider but this would only work if you performed blastx using default parameters. If this doesn't help then then I think b2g cannot help you.