I am working on a CentOS 7.3 cluster running Slurm and I am using OMA 2.1.1. Unfortunately I am not able to run OMA in array mode. I am working with the included files in the ToyExample directory.
Here is the SLURM script I have run:
#SBATCH --time=6:00:00
#SBATCH --job-name="toy_test"
I launched the script with this command as per the instructions on the OMA site:
sbatch --array=1-2 -N1 toy_launch.sh
Jobs fails with this error:
Starting database conversion and checks...
ERROR: failed to parse anything
When removing the "export NR_PROCESSES=2" part of the call OMA does launch but assumes it is not launched as an array job.
Starting database conversion and checks...
WARNING: not run as a job-array. Will assume it is a single process
This biostar issue seems relevant but has a different error message. I attempted to implement the fix presented in the mentioned issue but it seems there have been some major changes to the lib/Platforms file.
so strange! what version of slurm are you using? the cluster I have access to and where the ToyExample with your submission script works like a charm is a RedHat-Enterprise 6.7 installation with slurm 14.11.10. (you can get the slurm version with slurmctld -V)
I'm using slurm 17.02.3 on CentOS 7.3.1611.