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7.1 years ago
I have bisulfite converted fastq files (WGBS) from paired-end reads. when I used bismark using the default setting for paired-end data mapping efficiency is almost zero. Then I tried using read1 and the mapping efficiency is 85%.
I have put my mapping report in this link. If anyone can give suggestions to improve the paired-end mapping efficiency I would be really grateful.
Thank you
From a cursory look at the metrics, it looks like there's an issue with read #2. Have you run FastQC on it?
yes. FastQC looks perfect on both files. found possible reasons in http://seqanswers.com/forums/showthread.php?t=40496
we believe it is over clustering which can happen in read2.
Not sure how to prepare a report so we can request re-sequencing. If you can suggest some tools and packages to do more investigation, that would be great.
Thank you
Actually, your files are in a different order, so the first read in the #1 file is not the mate of the first read in the #2 file.
Thanks Devon,
Can you kindly point out how did you find this so I can narrow down where the problem originated? Is there anything to correct this?
Thank you
I think BBMap has a tool to resync paired-end files.
Thankx Devon, I tried BBMap and this script worked even better. now its mapping in paired-end with ~85% https://github.com/enormandeau/Scripts/blob/master/fastqCombinePairedEnd.py
Thank you for your effort to help solve this issue.
Thanks for the script, I am encountering the same issue right now! I hope it helps :)
I did a comparison as you said. Thank you for the idea. I am going to reorder the fastq files.
Not aligning sample(1F52S)
[gunasekara@sphere fq0050]$ head -1 split.10m.GTEX-1F52S-3026-SM-D5A5F_1.fq @E00591:56:H2LTKCCXY:3:1102:31527:12683 1:N:0
[gunasekara@sphere fq0050]$ head -1 split.10m.GTEX-1F52S-3026-SM-D5A5F_2.fq @E00591:56:H2LTKCCXY:3:1102:20841:12736 2:N:0
Aligning sample (14PQA)
[gunasekara@sphere 1F52S_test]$ head -1 split.10m.GTEX-14PQA-0926-SM-D5A5H_1.fq0000 @E00591:57:H2LNVCCXY:6:1101:23937:4069 1:N:0
[gunasekara@sphere 1F52S_test]$ head -1 split.10m.GTEX-14PQA-0926-SM-D5A5H_2.fq0000 @E00591:57:H2LNVCCXY:6:1101:23937:4069 2:N:0