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7.3 years ago
Assa Yeroslaviz
I am trying to call for an object from a nested function. The object itself was created in the first (top) function.
the function structure i am having is similar to this:
top_function(input = input_file) {
# hier I am reading in the data, converting it and modify the structure
sample_file = read.delim2(...)
sample_mat <- as.matrix(sample_file)
# setting output directory
outputdir <- paste0(sample_name, "_Output/")
nested_function (mat= sample_mat) {
# here I run some more calculations and than I would like the results (such as table/plots ) to be saved in the output folder created in the top part.
saveRDS(object = cl, file = paste0(outputdir, sample_name,"_cl.RDS"))
pdf(paste0(outputdir, sample_name,"_Clustering_iterations.pdf"))
But when I am running the function I get the error -
Error in paste0(outputdir, sample_name, "_cl.RDS") :
object 'outputdir' not found
What i am missing here? How can make the function recognize the object I created in the top function?
thanks Assa
Have your googled "R programming scope"? You're just being confused by variable scope.
Yes. I did, but it didn't help much. I have tried to understand how to correct it, but it seems, that everything I try keep briniging me to the same error message. What Am I doing wrong here?
Do I need to define each time all the arguments needed in the nested function. meaning Should the call to the nested functioned be something like that: