Hi, We have tried several samples from an experiment in GEO (Series GSE74411), especifically SRA accessions SRR2833398, SRR2833399 and SRR2833400; and in all of them we have a larger number of reads alignments to forward (>90%) than to reverse (<10%) strands. The experiment says it uses a paired-end library and a stranded construction protocol, according to GEO.
We made a pretty straightforward analysis:
hisat2-build Spombe.fasta SPindex
hisat2 -p 8 -x SPindex --sra-acc SRR2833398 -S SRR2833398.sam
samtools sort -@ 8 -o SRR2833398.bam SRR2833398.sam
samtools index SRR2833398.bam
bamCoverage -b SRR2833398.bam -o SRR2833398_f.bw -p 8 -bs 1 --normalizeUsingRPKM --filterRNAstrand forward
bamCoverage -b SRR2833398.bam -o SRR2833398_r.bw -p 8 -bs 1 --normalizeUsingRPKM --filterRNAstrand reverse
The result is therefore a wig with 10x coverage levels on forward than reverse strands. We can of course normalize, but is it normal to have much larger coverages in the forward strand? If so, why? We think it should be more or less the same according to the technique. If not normal, any ideas what can we be doing wrong?
Cheers, Rodrigo
I agree that sounds strange.
Could it be the coverage tool does not take the strandedness of the paired reads into account and simply assign the reads it to the first strand it processes? Does the %forward correlate with the %of unparied mapped reads?
You mean bamCoverage? The read pairs seem ok, more or less the same number of forward and reverse reads:
Which make good pairs if i represent them all on SRR2833398.bam on IGV.
These are the numbers of bamCoverage:
Bin size (-bs) makes no difference, I tried with 10, 20 and 100. bamCoverage is agnostic to the order into which you run for forward or reverse strands.
And these are the numbers of the previous alignment with hisat2:
I cannot notice any correspondence of precentages.
Thanks for the help!
Did you check the alignement in IGV ?
Yes, we checked in IGV and it just confirms the output of bamCoverage, >10x scale in forward respect to reverse strand