I have a bed file with Start and End co-ordinates and I also have a bedgraph file with scores. I want to create a new bedgraph file using the co-ordinates in my bed file.
I know that bedtools map can do this. However, I cannot figure out which of the options to use
-o options
sum - numeric only
count - numeric or text
count_distinct - numeric or text
min - numeric only
max - numeric only
absmin - numeric only
absmax - numeric only
mean - numeric only
median - numeric only
antimode - numeric or text
collapse (i.e., print a comma separated list) - numeric or text
distinct (i.e., print a comma separated list) - numeric or text
concat (i.e., print a comma separated list) - numeric or text
If I have a bed file a.bed
Start End
4 9
And if I have a bdg file b.bdg
Start End Score
1 5 15
6 10 7
I want an output bdg file like this
Start End Score
4 5 15
6 9 7
So the number of entries in the new bdg files increase.
I used intersectbed but forgot about -wb. Amazing. Thank you so much.