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7.3 years ago
Can anyone tell me description of breakdancer ouput :
Software: unstable (commit nogit)
Command: /usr/local/bioinfo/src/BreakDancer/breakdancer-1.3.6/bin/breakdancer-max -t -q 10 rose.cfg
Library Statistics:
DI_sort.bam mean:976.56 std:415.44 uppercutoff:3204.9 lowercutoff:137.21 readlen:145.57 library:6 reflen:518514126 seqcov:52.2741 phycov:175.341 32:53392110
DK_sort.bam mean:1021.13 std:300.81 uppercutoff:2543.75 lowercutoff:214.78 readlen:145.58 library:7 reflen:518514126 seqcov:0 phycov:0
Chr1 Pos1 Orientation1 Chr2 Pos2 Orientation2 Type Size Score num_Reads num_Reads_lib DI_sort.bam DK_sort.bam
Chr01 61421771 510+53- Chr00 403216 442+182- CTX -976 99 286 DI_sort.bam|286
Chr01 47979608 354+513- Chr00 953918 1005+884- CTX -976 99 336 DI_sort.bam|336
Chr01 47979608 354+513- Chr00 955163 462+465- CTX -976 99 92 DI_sort.bam|92
Chr01 25443826 315+292- Chr00 1380696 384+261- CTX -976 35 157 DI_sort.bam|157
Chr01 59085904 554+453- Chr00 1564801 186+372- CTX -976 56 329 DI_sort.bam|329
Chr01 17496243 521+62- Chr00 2019749 215+375- CTX -976 43 162 DI_sort.bam|162
Chr01 18611670 106+282- Chr00 4915819 694+713- CTX -976 99 261 DI_sort.bam|261
Chr01 7035116 263+202- Chr00 5801157 985+428- CTX -976 46 153 DI_sort.bam|153
Hello Samarth,
Thank you for your reply. I have doubt in output of break dancer thats why i am asking this question. If you see 11 column that include DI_sort.bam|286 and so on... In my output file only DI library is supporting for CTX not the other library DK. So i have doubt that is there any mistake made by me during running breakdancer. It can be possible due to read group problem in libaray.
What i can see here, In the Library statistics section of DK_sort.bam:
DK_sort.bam mean:1021.13 std:300.81 uppercutoff:2543.75 lowercutoff:214.78 readlen:145.58 library:7 reflen:518514126
seqcov:0 phycov:0
Both coverage parameter, seq coverage (seqcov) and physical coverage (phycov) is 0 for DK_sort.bam on the other hand sequence coverage is 52 and physical coverage is 175 for DI_sort.bam . So, I suggest you to look into the DK_sort.bam carefully. This might be one of the reason breakdancer is not able to detect supportive read-pair of DK library.
Yes, i got the problem and solved it and thank you for help.