I am trying to build a pipeline for detecting de novo mutations for trios WES data. After obtaining the VCF file, and performing all the possible recalibration and refinement steps, I reached this step where I have to phase my variants.
As I have understood, please correct me if the following is wrong:
1- phasing means relating the genotypes to their paternal and maternal origin
2- The de novo mutations will not be phased, because they violate the mendelian law of inheritance
3- PhaseByTransmission can be used to do this job perfectly: i.e. to phase varinats and find denovos
Thanks in advance
I'm not sure if phasing is the best way to find de novo variants. Why don't you just look (from the vcf) for variants which are present in the child but not in the parents?
because this will produce a large number of denovos
And that's not what you want? A variant which is found in a child but not in a parent is by definition a de novo variant, no?
Yes, I think that OP is perhaps thinking that phasing is what allows you to find de novos (by looking for variants which are not phased). But this is certainly not reliable, e.g:
phasing by transmission may fail to phase germline variants if it cannot be determined which parent transmitted which allele (e.g. a site where all members of a trio are heterozygous)
read backed phasing may fail to phase germline variants if there are no nearby heterozygotes to phase with respect to.
de novo variants may be phased physically with respect to nearby pedigree phased variants, and this would let you identify which haplotype is affected (e.g. to identify compound heterozygosity)
So, phasing is useful for it's own reasons, but finding de novos is not one of them.
Thanks a lot. now it is all starting to make sense, as you said, I thought phasing is a way to find denovos. This drives me to ask, what benefit then would someone get from phasing denovos (or variants in general) ? is it just to know which haplotype (where the denovo is located) is affected ? and thus we would know if it is the father or the mother who is the reason (in a way) behind causing this denovo ? or are there other benefits.