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9.1 years ago
Hi all,
Does anyone know where one can find a list of the Affy 500K SNP positions in hg38 coordinates?
Hi all,
Does anyone know where one can find a list of the Affy 500K SNP positions in hg38 coordinates?
If anyone needs to know how I ended up figuring this out.
I downloaded the annotation CSV files from here (these files have hg19 coords), and joined the rs IDs against a dbSNP VCF:
As one of several solutions, I suspect, the UCSC genome browser has these data in a table snpArrayAffy6 but for hg19/GRCh37. Grab the data in bed format from the table browser and then use the UCSC liftover tool to move to hg38.
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Has anybody produced a bed file for the 23andme/Illumina/Affy rsIDs on hg38?