For illumina I need to Recalibrated bases and Indelrealigned. I would like to known if Is necessary Recalibrated bases and Indelrealigned (GATK software) of bam (IonTorrent) for further Pindel Analysis?? Thanks, Leandro
For illumina I need to Recalibrated bases and Indelrealigned. I would like to known if Is necessary Recalibrated bases and Indelrealigned (GATK software) of bam (IonTorrent) for further Pindel Analysis?? Thanks, Leandro
Oi Leandro,
Não, não e necessário. Você só tem que mapear os seus reads à genoma da referencia, como hg38.fasta e com, per exemplo, bwa mem
(se os seus reads tem um comprimento de >70bp).
Obrigado / Abraços, Kevin
Translation: [Hey Leandro, No, it's not necessary..You just have to align your reads to the reference genome, like hg38.fasta, and with, for example, bwa mem (if the reads have length >70bp). Thanks / Hugs, Kevin]
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Eu que agradeço Kevin. Abs
Em terça-feira, 17 de julho de 2018, Kevin Blighe on Biostar <> escreveu: