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7.1 years ago
I have around 100 trios for which WES was done. My goal is to find denovo mutations in the child associated with each trios. So first I will do the following steps:
- Alignment to reference genome
- marking duplicates
- base recalibration
- realigning indels
- Haplotype caller per sample with the -ERC GVCF option (this will call the ReadBackedPhasing, correct?)
- Joint genotyping
- Varinat recalibration
Genotype refinement workflow, where pedegree information is used and de novos are annotated using VariantAnnotator.
1- Do you think this workflow is efficient to find denovos?
2- Are the variants in the output vcf file produced after step 8 already phased ? (because ReadBackedPhasing was already used in step 5)
3- Do I need to use PhaseByTransmission afterwards after step 8 ?
Thanks for all your feedback!
Many thanks
Hello lait!
It appears that your post has been cross-posted to another site: http://seqanswers.com/forums/showthread.php?t=78791
This is typically not recommended as it runs the risk of annoying people in both communities.
Hi Lalit, are there any updates for this question?