I received some data produced by single-cell sequencing (smart-seq2). After aligning onto the corresponding genome (+ERCC) I got a matrix of count which look quite sparsed:
ID start end strand length count1 count2 count3
ERCC-00004 1 523 + 523 1902 145 2328
ERCC-00009 1 984 + 984 318 29 428
ERCC-00012 1 994 + 994 0 0 0
ERCC-00013 1 808 + 808 0 0 0
ERCC-00014 1 1957 + 1957 0 0 0
With typically higher concentration ERCCs being detected but not lower ones.
I know for sure that those samples were not sequenced deep enough but I wanted to know if for ERCCs in single-cell sequencing I should expect to see every ERCC detected or is it common to see some drop-off ?
Thanks in advance!
Hi! I also received Smart-seq2 data. I never analyzed data coming from... so I would ask how to perform the first steps. I got XX fastq files.. so I first trimmed after a QC report then I would align them separately with star or tophat and then quantify the abundance of each transcript with RSEM or HTseq count.. then use R (scater) to perfom further analysis.. is this workflow correct or should I use different tools ??
thanks in advance