Hey there,
I am writing my master thesis at the moment about targeted RNA-Seq. I was wondering if there are any differences in the data analysis to whole genome RNA-Seq. In my Panel are about 200 genes from mTOR and TLR pathway and 12 housekeeping genes.
I used Ion Torrent Suite to get counts of these genes and did differential expression analysis with edgeR and found genes. Now my Question is, are the statistical assumptions for whole transcriptome likely to be sufficient accurately to use them for this small extract?
Best regards, Niklas
PS: This is my first question here, so if I did sth. wrong, please tell me :)
I guess I just don't see the added value. People do targeted DNA / custom capture because it's much less expensive and laborious then doing WGS. In most instances, 30M reads is overkill for human RNAseq and that's only going to cost about $250 for the prep and ~$1000-2000 for the 300M HiSeq lane. Not sure I see what the upside or application of this is.
Well, I am bound to ressources we have on our university, and a PGM is not capable of sequence replicates of human transcriptomes with enough coverage, thats the reason.