Hello, I am using cutadapt for trimming the adaptor sequences from fastq file:
I constantly get the following error:
cutadapt: error: Line 1 in FASTQ file is expected to start with '@', but found '\r\n'
Can anyone help me regarding this?
head -n1 myfastq.fastq | sed -n 'l' gives me
@41404e26-7b94-4142-b3a5-0ec9334993d5 runid=62c17cb4e69123bd793be3870\ 6e23549626a5271 read=33 ch=100 start_time=2017-01T14:10:44Z\r$
Thank you! Can I use this tool for nanopore sequence?
I didn't try it since I don't have such data.
Would you please send me a sample of nanopore data so that I can fit this tool for nanopore sequence?
My email: chen@haplox.com