I have the location information of TFBS and enhancer such as: chr1:851083-852146, and I would like to know the distribution of known TFBS on a specific enhancer. Whether UCSC Genome Browser can help me to identify it?
Can anyone help me?
I have the location information of TFBS and enhancer such as: chr1:851083-852146, and I would like to know the distribution of known TFBS on a specific enhancer. Whether UCSC Genome Browser can help me to identify it?
Can anyone help me?
The UCSC Genome Browser does not offer a TFBS track, to my knowledge.
You could use FIMO to call TFBS on your reference genome, against a database like JASPAR. Or TRANSFAC, if you have a license.
Once you have TFBS in BED format, you could use BEDOPS bedmap
to count or call TF hits from your FIMO scan that associate (overlap with) your regions of interest, such as your enhancer, or any number of other sites in BED format.
Depends how many PWMs you want it to look for. If you use a full database, like all of the JASPAR CORE, it takes a pretty long time, but you can cut it down by breaking the genome up into chromosomes and using GNU Parallel to run it on them in parallel, then just concatenate the results. The resulting file will be very large though, so be prepared.
If you only have a few PWMs of interest, it's pretty quick. I think it remember it taking 2-3 hours, and that was without breaking up things by chromosome. Really made for scanning specific regions (like putative regulatory elements), rather than the entire genome, I think.
You can check the ReMap UCSC track (based on ChIP-seq data):
And JASPAR 2018 has a UCSC track for predicted binding sites:
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Do you want the distribution or just to know which are enriched for your enhancer regions? If it's the latter, you can try AME, which is made for just that.