Hi there,
Is there a way to iterate two banks at the same time in a multithreaded fashion? I tried changing the code snippet: Multithreaded iteration of a bank(Code is from example multithreading6.cpp ) to accept a PairedIterator<Sequence>
instead of the standard bank iterator.
Here is what I tried;
ThreadObject<string> correctionOutput_1, correctionOutput_2;
PairedIterator<Sequence> itPair(paired_bank1->iterator(), paired_bank2->iterator());
ISynchronizer* synchro = System::thread().newSynchronizer();
dispatcher->iterate(itPair, [&](pair<Sequence, Sequence> &seqPair) {
LocalSynchronizer sync (synchro);
string &localCorrection_1 = correctionOutput_1();
string &localCorrection_2 = correctionOutput_2();
Sequence &s1 = seqPair.first;
Sequence &s2 = seqPair.second;
cout << s1.toString() << "\t" << s2.toString() << endl;
// do stuff
delete synchro;
Nothing is being printed - I am most likely missing something obvious here... Any help is appreciated, thanks!