I am working with Rehh package of R .
data2haplohh is a function within rehh. So my command goes like this:
chr2<-data2haplohh(hap_file= 'SNPs_only.chr2.impute.hap' , map_file='chr2mapf1.inp', recode.allele= TRUE)
The error I get is: " Error in read.table(map_file, row.names = 1) : duplicate 'row.names' are not allowed "
My Map_files are in required format
I really don't understand why I am facing this error. The files are in required format. Please help Thanks
Count row names and unique row names. If they are different, your input has duplicate row names and the program accepts object with unique row names (probably).
Hi Thanks for replying Can you tell me How to count and compare the number of row names and unique row names?