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7.1 years ago
Nico Gerstner
Hello everyone,
I have downloaded a WGBS file from ENCODE in bedMethyl format (https://www.encodeproject.org/experiments/ENCSR890UQO/). The content of this file is the methylation state per CpG, e.g.:
track name="SL1615 MspIRRBS" description="GM12878-16_Ximat" visibility=2 itemRgb="On"
chr1 100003153 100003154 ...[omited] 2 0
chr1 1000170 1000171 ...[omited] 22 0
What I want to have is a bed file containing larger regions, somewhat like peaks called from the file above. Is there a tool available that can perform this task?
(My ultimate goal is to use the peak information to state whether an certain region in the genome (e.g. a promoter) can be called "methylated".)
Thank you!
some tips here: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4165320/ I have used methylkit and it appears to work well. http://bioconductor.org/packages/release/bioc/vignettes/methylKit/inst/doc/methylKit.html
Thank you very much for your reply! It seems to me that in the paper and the doc they are calculating differential scores for regions, i.e. they assume I have (at least) two files. Is there a possibility to calculate scores for regions with only one file? (It does not matter if the tool calculates the regions as well, or calculates scores for regions which I provide.)
The methylKit documentation includes an example where methylation scores are calculated on tiles (1kbp)
Thank you very much! This was what I was looking for.