Hi, I have just assemble a human genome using canu. And I mapped the Illumina data to the draft assembly using bwa mem and I got a bam file called bwa_sort.bam. Then I used pilon to polish the draft assembly , but I found the final result didn't make a change in the original sequence at all. Here is the command I'm running:
java -Xmx60G -jar pilon-1.22.jar \
--genome test.fasta \
--bam $in_dir/bwa_sort.bam \
--fix "bases" \
--threads 15 \
--output test \
--outdir $out_dir
I even tried to polish single contig, but I got the same result. Here is the log of pilon:
Pilon version 1.22 Wed Mar 15 16:38:30 2017 -0400
Genome: test.fasta
Fixing snps, indels
Input genome size: 1022840
Processing tig00000488|arrow:1-779472
Processing tig00000361|arrow:1-243368
tig00000361|arrow:1-243368 log:
unpaired /home/xiatian/polish/Illumina_correct_pacbio/2_samtools_output/bwa_sort.bam: coverage 0
Total Reads: 199348, Coverage: 0, minDepth: 5
Confirmed 0 of 243368 bases (0.00%)
Corrected 0 snps; 0 ambiguous bases; corrected 0 small insertions totaling 0 bases, 0 small deletions totaling 0 bases
Finished processing tig00000361|arrow:1-243368
tig00000488|arrow:1-779472 log:
unpaired /home/xiatian/polish/Illumina_correct_pacbio/2_samtools_output/bwa_sort.bam: coverage 0
Total Reads: 765929, Coverage: 0, minDepth: 5
Confirmed 0 of 779472 bases (0.00%)
Corrected 0 snps; 0 ambiguous bases; corrected 0 small insertions totaling 0 bases, 0 small deletions totaling 0 bases
Finished processing tig00000488|arrow:1-779472
Writing updated tig00000361|arrow|pilon to /home/xiatian/polish/Illumina_correct_pacbio/4_pilon_output/test.fasta
Writing updated tig00000488|arrow|pilon to /home/xiatian/polish/Illumina_correct_pacbio/4_pilon_output/test.fasta
Mean unpaired coverage: 0
Mean total coverage: 0
It shows thar coverage is always 0, but I can't figure out why this happened. Can you help me ?
Hi, did you checked your bam file ? You can run "samtools flagstat" on it to check the number of reads mapped to the reference.
I have just used haplotypecaller to call variants in the contig tig00000488|arrow , and the result contains many variants. It means that there are a lot of reads mapped to the contig indeed, opposite to the coverage 0 showed in pilon log. So , I think my bam file is ok. And I will also run "samtools flagstat" on it to check the number of reads mapped to the reference then.
I run "samtools flagstat" on my bam file just now. The output is as below: