Entering edit mode
7.0 years ago
Hi all
Using bbmerge, we have insert size 161 and using bbmap we have insert size 182. Here is my commands :
./bbmap.sh -Xmx24g in1=pair1.fastq.gz in2=pair2.fastq.gz ihist=hist_map.txt reads=400000 ref=genome.fa
./bbmerge.sh in1= in1=pair1.fastq.gz in2=pair2.fastq.gz ihist=hist_merge.txt reads=400000 prefilter=2 rem extend2=100
Which one I should go for? Also what is the count in hist.txt, the sum of counts is higher than the number of reads.
If I still use
and removedprefilter=2 rem extend2=100
I got 160 insert size.Use the one from bbmap alignments.
So if the insert size is 180, then 2 *150 reads are overlapping wih 120 right? This is still short insert size, right?
Yes. While the inserts are relatively short that is a characteristic of this library. It will have to be remade, if longer inserts are desired.
Thanks so much genomax