tophat -p 12 -G genes.gtf -o outtop hg18 SRR364314_1_trimmed.fq SRR364314_2_trimmed.fq
[2015-01-17 18:19:02] Beginning TopHat run (v2.0.9)
[2015-01-17 18:19:02] Checking for Bowtie
Bowtie version:
[2015-01-17 18:19:02] Checking for Samtools
Samtools version:
[2015-01-17 18:19:02] Checking for Bowtie index files (genome)..
[2015-01-17 18:19:02] Checking for reference FASTA file
Warning: Could not find FASTA file hg18.fa
[2015-01-17 18:19:02] Reconstituting reference FASTA file from Bowtie index
Executing: /usr/bin/bowtie2-inspect hg18 > outtop/tmp/hg18.fa
[2015-01-17 18:27:41] Generating SAM header for hg18
format: fastq
quality scale: phred33 (default)
[2015-01-17 18:28:36] Reading known junctions from GTF file
[2015-01-17 18:31:12] Preparing reads
WARNING: read pairing issues detected (check prep_reads.log) !
left reads: min. length=12, max. length=100, 40632564 kept reads (354189 discarded)
right reads: min. length=12, max. length=100, 40910664 kept reads (324280 discarded)
Warning: short reads (<20bp) will make TopHat quite slow and take large amount of memory because they are likely to be mapped in too many places
[2015-01-17 20:16:52] Building transcriptome data files..
Error: gtf_to_fasta returned an error.
Please tell how to solve this problem... I tried with two different refence file for homosapiens
Please could you give a link for proper reference and genes annotations files... because I have tried the NCBI and UCSC brouser.. but its giving me error
you should use the same version of fasta and gtf file from same source, doesn't matter you use them from either ucsc, ensembl or genecode.
Hi Manvendra Singhji ;
As I tried from various source... though the index names in both gtf and reference files are same but still its giving me error;
Could you please suggest me a proper data set for both gtf and reference genome file for homo-sapiens ....
You should probably give us which files you're using and the link you downloaded them from. That stands a better chance of getting help than flat out asking folks to give you links.
Hi RamRS...
Thanks for your reply..
Please give proper link of both gene's gtf file and homo-sapiens reference genome file
These are my two time trial error file links..please check it..
for 1st time Error :
Gene file as gtf:
Reference file: from UCSC browser
For 2nd time 2nd time:
Gene file as gtf :-
Reference genome file:-
Like Manvendra mentioned, you might wanna select the same source for both files. Just naming them similarly does not address their source-based nuances.
Could you please give me the links for reference genome and gene annotation file????
Like I mentioned in my earlier comment, this request stands a very low chance of getting a productive response from an online community because it shows lack of willingness to put in the effort you need to put in.
Gr8... I will try RamRS ... you are ri8..... I was just asking where I can download the same format files as a reference and gene files... It's fine
That is not a great attitude, nikhilvgbt. A simple search on this site yields at least 2 posts where your questions have been addressed in detail. They also include statements on why we emphasize that you be guided only to a certain point and you seek answers beyond that point.
This article might help you interact in forums better:
EDIT: And here's something to get you started: How do experienced people look for full reference genomes?
Another alternative way is to download the data from igenome is use the linux command and Download it
The command Script goes like this!!
Or, you could simply run
Anyway, please move this answer to a reply to my comment here: C: Tophat error : Error: gtf_to_fasta returned an error.
but regarding my main error still I am not able to solve the error which is following:
Could you please help me
If you are using builds from iGenome, you should not face any errors with tophat. The error implies that there is a problem with GTF format may be. Please make sure the file is correctly formatted and read tophat manual and find out what it expects In a GTF File.
And, move this answer to a reply to my comment here as well: Tophat error : Error: gtf_to_fasta returned an error.