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7.0 years ago
Hi BioStars, I need to visualize the genome sequence (mitochondrial and whole genome). Is there any tools to visualize the genome sequences. Basically I need to know the position of specially different repeats (Short Tandem Repeat and Long Tandem Repeats). Could you please suggest any tools for that? Thanking you,
With regards, Aritra
It would be useful if you could please provide additional information such as file format of the genome sequence, did you try anything available on the OmicsTools?
We would need more information to help you. Do you have the positions of the STRs or you need to compute them? As I understand your questio, you don't actually need to visualize the sequence, isn't it?
If you have the positions of the STR's in a BED file or similar, you can use karyoploteR to create the plot. You can find some more information in the tutorial and examples page.
IGV and find motif function would be a fast insight.