I am beginning a RNA seq analysis and would like to check the quality of the data. Are there any R language packages that can produce the sequence quality analyses that FastQC performs (such as Fastqc in Galaxy)?
I am beginning a RNA seq analysis and would like to check the quality of the data. Are there any R language packages that can produce the sequence quality analyses that FastQC performs (such as Fastqc in Galaxy)?
Give the ShortRead package a try (http://bioconductor.org/packages/release/bioc/html/ShortRead.html)
A group in Brazil recently published a workflow involving a package called "Rqc" to perform quality control in R.
Check it out from here. https://bioconductor.org/packages/devel/bioc/vignettes/Rqc/inst/doc/Rqc.html
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Why complicate life? Just download fastqc from their site and run it from command line on your terminal.
Actually, it would be less complicated to do it in R as part of a R workflow. So I am still interested in finding if there are any equivalent packages in R. If not, the command line FASTQC is still an option. Thanks for your reply.
you could run fastqc from R and generate integrated reprots using fastqcr
Why complicate life? Just use fastp to do the easiest and fastest way for QC and filtering.