Dear all,
Using the open grid engine and using this line
qsub -b y -j y -t 1-40 -cwd /usr/local/OMA/bin/OMA
I got this error
Starting database conversion and checks... We require that job-arrays now explicitly specify the number of jobs in the array. You should add to your submission script an environment variable "NR_PROCESSES" that holds the total number of jobs you use. Example: in bash: export NR_PROCESSES=100 in tcsh: setenv NR_PROCESSES=100 ERROR: require NR_PROCESSES to be assigned to an environment variable
I used this line
export NR_PROCESSES=100
but it keeps failing
Previous version of OMA have worked with our setup but now the process starts, qstat throws the jobs assigned for a few seconds and then all the processes vanish.
Using OMA 2.1.1 and grid engine GE 6.2u5, Ubuntu 14.04
I also would like to know if OMA 2+ has been tested on open grid engine or if there is feedback other users on this set up. Would it be better to change from open grid to Slurm for using OMA 2+?
Thanks for your help
See if something in this past thread helps: Failure to launch OMA in array mode on SLURM cluster
It didn't help, the variable is set up. "
" shows 100Tagging: adrian.altenhoff
I also would like to know if OMA 2+ has been tested on open grid engine or if there is feedback other users on this set up or scenario. Would it be better to change from open grid to Slurm for using OMA 2+?