Hi Friends,
I already have two VCF files generated using SAMtools (susceptible and tolerant) of Heavea (only draft genome is available and it is not very well annotated). I would like to;
- compare two and
- point out possible SNPs
that might responsible for their differential response to the pathogen. So far I am stuck and would really appreciate if you can suggest a GUI tool and instructions that I can use. I visualized them using IGB . Unfortunately now I am stuck there.
Thanks in advance,
Hi Sergey,
Thank you so much for the advice. As you suggested we are planing to do RNAseq and qPCR in future. I have both bam and vcf files. I visualized them in IGV but I don't understand how to proceed from there. As an example, let's say I want to work with those 473 genes. I can't find an easy way to search and extract variations (in two samples) for those genes rather than doing it manually. Also, to do the CNV part. If possible, can you please suggest some tools to achieve that efficiently? Thank you again, Cheers, Venura
Hi Venura!
1.If you aligned your reads to the reference genome, you have their annotation - where the genes are (coordinates), something like a bed file:
Then you may use bedtools to extract variants for particular regions: http://bedtools.readthedocs.io/en/latest/content/tools/intersect.html
2.After samtools you only have small variants (SNPs and indels) in your vcf file. To call CNV you have to rerun calling with another tool. You may try manta (https://github.com/Illumina/manta), cnvkit (https://github.com/etal/cnvkit).