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7.1 years ago
Hello everyone,
I was wondering if someone could help me understand the concept of KEGG modules because I don't seem to be able to fully comprehend it. According to what I read, KEGG modules are manually curated and a repetitive pattern that can be found in different pathways and organisms. Nevertheless, I have a come across a few cases where the genes contained in a module, are not considered genes within the pathway (eg. Pathway hsa00020 and Module hsa_M00003 - gene ENO1 K01689 ).
Why are they not considered? What am I missing?
Thanks in advance
Some posts on KEGG from Biostars:
A: mapping file for KEGG IDs - there is some information here about KEGG pathways and modules
How To Get Kegg Pathway Interaction Network In A Tabular Format Easy To Manipulate? and here as well :
KEGG pathways and modules
There are some other useful KEGG features discussed in the posts below:
KEGG pathway gene list different from the picture
Quick way to download KEGG pathway images
how to download the genes in a sub-pathway in KEGG
mapping file for KEGG IDs
Is There Any Way To Retrieve Genes' Sequences In Fasta Format Using The Kegg Orthology Code?
How can I get all pathways for a given EC number in KEGG?