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7.2 years ago
i have been running pindel like so:
./pindel -f h3rv.fasta -i bam_config.txt -c ALL --Ploidy ploidy_input.txt -o Result_pindel.out
-- this is part of bam_config.txt
/biobank/seq/muthuk/Mycobacterium_bovis/R100/bamfiles/sorted_bam/SRR5216939_mapped.sort.bam 241.4
/biobank/seq/muthuk/Mycobacterium_bovis/R100/bamfiles/sorted_bam/SRR5216940_mapped.sort.bam 242.9
2 Ids path of bam file along with insert size and sample ID.
Here I used 192 samples but the output shown result only for 10 entries in VCF file
#CHROM POS ID REF ALT QUAL FILTER INFO FORMAT .0 .1 .2 .3 .4 .5 .6 .7 .8 .9
NC_000962.3 84 . CG C . PASS END=85;HOMLEN=1;HOMSEQ=G;SVLEN=-1;SVTYPE=DEL GT:AD 0/0:1252,0 0/0:1025,0 0/0:1306,0 0/0:1345,0 0/0:1427,0 0/0:1464,1 0/0:1466,0 0/0:678,0 0/0:2056,0 0/0:1150,0
Please anybody tell me what went it wrong here and suggest the steps to be followed. Thanks in advance.
samtools view -H
and check the read groupsRG
in the bam header. Is there 192 distinct SN names ?