Hi, guys.
I have a question using trimmomatic to trim adapters from the RNA-seq reads.
I have to QC the reads using trimmomatic but I wonder how it's done.
For example, the sequencing company gave me that the data they gave me were made by "TruSeq Stranded mRNA LT Sample Prep Kit" and say they used "ATTCCT" index.
If I have such info, how do I have to use trimmomatic with these informations?
It would be very helpful if someone can give some advise or pointers.
Thank you very much!.
Thanks for your reply Jacob.
I'm wondering if you could give me some advise making custom .fa file with my index info, please.
Is it possible?
I'm pretty sure the standard TruSeq3 adapter file will work, but to be sure you can look up your adapters here (page 18) and add them to a fasta file. I would include the universal and index adapter.
Thanks a lot!!
I'll try my customized adapter fasta and TruSeq3 file as you suggested, both and then compare them!
Thank you for your kind explainations and pointers Jacob :)