Dear Biostars, Hi
I have a list of zebrafish TFs (both family and members) upregulated in my condition1 and same data for condition2. (I also have a list of all transcription factores showing blastx hit with all my RNA-seq analysis) I want to show them in a network (or maybe two networks).
I saw a similar network created using Cytoscape.
Could you please kindly help me in this issue? how to ready files as cytoscape input? how to create circular network showing each DE TFs in different colour?
or even another package/website for doing this ?
NOTE: e.g. of TFs families Up-regulated in my condition 1:
Dear @Leite Hi and thanks.
I have tried "STRING, GeneMANIA or BioGRID"for drawing (1) two separate networks and (2) a network with both condition TFs DEG representative in it; but I did not think about importing the results in Cytoscape :-)
1- So, you mean that I must draw a network for all my differentially expressed TFs in it in GeneMania and then import that in Cytoscape as a network. Yes?
I have used "Network" as saving the results in GeneMania and import that in Cytoscape as a Network, but it shows an error :
"The network can not be created without selecting the source and the target column" !
2- Can you please kindly help me more about "add a new column to your network in cystoscape" as I am not very familiar with Cytoscape, and Is there any way to select the colors or there are default?
Hey Farbod,
I recommend starting with the STRING because it is easier, export the txt and then import into the cytoscape.
I really recommend you read the cytoscape manual for more information.
Add a new column
Add variables related to their DEGS
Change the colors however you want
free image hosting
Best regards,
Thank you Leite for your help, I will use your guidance.
Ah, those images are really wonderful, I call it a "Super-help"!
Q: Should I save the string network as "as simple tabular text output .tsv" file?
Hi, I import it as network and Cytoscape accept that. thanks
Hey Farbod,
I hope you have succeeded.
Best regards,
Hi, I also found this topic helpful:
GeneMANIA in Cytoscape