Hi Biostars,
My question might be a duplicate, but what software would you recommend to simulate RNAseq reads (with different parameters like read length, PE/SE, error-rate, strandedness, etc), by using reference genome and annotations as input.
Google search and omicstools give many results, but I didn't find any soft so far fitting to my needs. ART looks good (but not specific to RNAseq), and I bet that there would be something in BBtools :)
Would appreciate any comments and suggestions. Thanks
Gffread can extract the transcripts for you.
Hi genomax, Thanks, and yes, basically I need reads from coding region to simulate RNAseq data. As far as I know,
generate reads from reference sequence, so in my case I'd have to extract transcriptome from genome and then feed it torandomreads.sh
, is that correct?Yes. If you have the GTF/GFF available then use @Botond's solution to get the reference transcriptome.
Great, thank you both!