[This is a follow-up to my previous post]
Hello world,
I have a set of genes whose RNA expression is catalogued in development (FlyBase temporal RNA-seq). I want to find which genes go up and down at time point A_07
and possibly cluster genes to their patterns also.
I put this into R and used the "Timecourse package" https://bioconductor.org/packages/release/bioc/vignettes/timecourse/inst/doc/timecourse.pdf
I've tried to replicate the script as close as I can including labelling the columns accordingly.
Here is the following matrix:
I used the mb.long
function and the result:
The results come out to be "NaN" with no error message by R. I've tried expanding the prior.df function from 1-5 but nothing changes this result. Whats going wrong?
Please post some example data (not image).
I created a dummy data set for this. Please go through the code below and try to compare with your code. Probably the data structure in R might be incorrect. Check your data types. I added comments to the code. Simulated data has 4 times points (1-4) and two conditions (Normal and tumor represented by A and B respectively). Gene names are 4 (gene1-4). Hence data frame is 4x8. Compare your data frame with final data frame in the example (name: total_exp)