Dear All,
I need to analyse two acinetobacter genomes isolated from 2 different patients who were in the same ward on the same day. We found similar Antibiotic resistance profile in both the isolates.
We have done WGS & submitted the reads to genbank.
I need help with regards to the SNP analysis for these isolates. Can you please suggest the right tool to be used for this analysis.
Regards Optimist
Are you attempting to determine whether the two strains are identical, or the mechanism of antibiotic resistance? If the latter, be aware that resistance typically arises from acquisition of a resistance cassette (often transmitted via plasmid) rather than mutation. SNP analysis would not identify a resistance cassette.
Are the species of two acinetobactor same?
Are there reference genomes of the species in database?
It is important to define what genomes you want to compare to detect SNPs.
Once that is decided, you will be able to refer to the tools described by ropolocan.
Both the study genomes belong to same species. They are two different strains belonging to same species.
Yes, there exist a reference genome in the NCBI database.
I would like to detect SNPs between these two genomes.
Thanks & regards Optimist