Hello, I have clean and trimmed fastq files with an average of 150nt per read. I have tried BWA aln and also BWA mem for the alignment with my reference genome.
The alignment take around 2 days to process but ends u with 92kb file each time. I have changed algorithm from aln to mem, tried default parameters, tried clean fq and trimmed fq seperately. but same result all the time. Here are the commands that i used:
bwa index -a is ref.fna bwa aln ref.fna 1.fastq >1.aln bwa aln ref.fna 2.fastq >2.aln both files yileded alignment but when i used sampe: bwa sampe -P ref.fna 1.aln 2.aln 1.fastq 2.fastq > sample.sam.all it yielded 92kb
Later i tried BWA mem bwa mem -t 24 -M ref.fna trimmed-files1/1P.fastq trimmed-files1/2P.fastq >sample.sam 2> mem-pe.log also yielded 92kb file.
I cannot understand the reason. I checked the quality and it is all good.
Your help is appreciated. Qurat
Please check the BWA log messages and see whether BWA was completed normally or with error? This may help you solve your query.