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7.1 years ago
Hi All
I am confused in extracting the RGID, RGLB and RGPU from this read, any help, thanks?
@E00461:116:AU170602261:1:1101:20456:1415 1:N:0:NTCCAGGT
And if I have each sample is a tumor from a different patient, should I use RGSM as the different sample patient ID?
That information is not directly in the fastq read header (which is what you have). That information can be derived from this header. See this.
I read this tutorial and still confusing. I need to pass this information in step 2.Add read .. in the following tutorial to get my bam, so where can I get the information: https://gatkforums.broadinstitute.org/gatk/discussion/3891/calling-variants-in-rnaseq