I downloaded the available proteomes (from L. braziliensis, Leishmania major, and L. infantum) from TriTrypDB and i want to use them in order to take only protein sequences from L.infantum with more than 60% conservancy with other Leishmania species verified through BLAST protein alignment. I am using Blastp in command line and up to now i manage to take only the two top sequences with this :
blastp -query Linfantum.prot.fasta -db /home/dimitris/blastdb/db/blast/Lbraziliensis.prot.fasta -evalue 1e-3 -outfmt '6 qseqid sseqid qlen length evalue' -max_target_seqs 2 -comp_based_stats F -out Linfantum_vs_Lbraziliensis_seq_newest.txt
Do you know which parameter i have to use in order to achieve 60% of conservancy between Linfantum and Lbraziliensis by using Blastp ?
You will need to post process the results to get this type of information. There isn't a simple parameter that will do that.
this is a sample result of my blastp :