I am wondering whether ambiguously mapped reads (=not uniquely mapped reads, mapping quality 0) do play any role when I perform realignment around InDels (as for example using GATK IndelRealigner or, as in my case, BisSNP BisulfiteIndelRealigner). I performed the alignment of my RRBS data using Bismark/Bowtie2 and excluded all ambiguously aligned reads from my bam file. However, could realignment around InDels do anything with those reads, so that they maybe are unambiguously aligned after the realignment?
in the second part, did I understand you correctly that when I run RealignerTargetCreator, this software starts with those filters you listed and after it does the actual target creation?
exactly so as I answered no need to interfere with the main workflow of GATK, good luck :)